Saturday, July 24, 2010


I love greeting people, meeting people, getting to know them. But I hate good byes! It is by far the hardest part of this journey. I sit here in this room, I hear the sounds of the beautiful people in this home..the children laughing and playing, and little Sara in the middle of it all, laughing and running and playing. Little Sara. I have known her the least of the time, but will miss her the most of all. Always, a part of my heart will stay with Sara. I'm trying to think of how I will bring all these feelings back to America. I'm wondering if anyone will ever really understand unless they come. You truly can't know unless you dwell here for a bit. I don't think any video or picture can take it all in. To see a little 4 year old streetboy alone, crouched under an eve of a building to keep the rain off at night. To feed two little street girls breakfast one morning and then leave them sitting on the hotel steps, not knowing what will become of them. Then there was the grandma who lost her son-n-law and daughter and she came in from her village to try and take care of her grandbabies with no income and no money to feed them. To leave Bible Baptist and know they have so many needs and trying to figure out where to start??? And to know all these precious people that dedicate their lives to trying to find a place for all these chilren and to educate them when there is no money. And then there's Sara..... Oh dear Heavenly Father... please fill these needs. Bless these people. But most of all, Father, bless and care for these little children! And God... Bless and Guard over sweet baby Sara....


I can't believe its over... but its not. I will be back. This is where my heart is. I will miss Sara so much, I feel she is my own child. I have done all I can do to love her, pray over her, feed her, kiss her boo boo's, change her diapers, to show her what love is, etc. so that one day she can understand what love is, and that she has a Father who loves her more than I ever could. There is so much work to do. I will be back. This is my calling. To show the love of Jesus. To be His hands and feet. God help me to be obedient.

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