
World Indigenous Missions

In early January, we officially became partners with World Indigenous Missions!

About WIM:
"World Indigenous Missions has sent ordi­nary peo­ple around the world for one pur­pose: to dis­ci­ple the nations to reach the world. “Indigenous” is a big word with a sim­ple def­i­n­i­tion. It means home­grown or exist­ing nat­u­rally in its own area. When it comes to cross-cultural min­istry, we believe this means equip­ping local work­ers to influ­ence their own peo­ple with God’s love and truth. 
Our goal as a mis­sion agency is to plant works that will stand after the mis­sion­ary has left. In order to do this strong national lead­er­ship must be in place. Strong lead­er­ship is devel­oped accord­ing to the model begun by Christ, men­tor­ing. Mentoring is devel­op­ing covenant rela­tion­ships with peo­ple and impart­ing life-lived truths on which a foun­da­tion for life and min­istry can be based. This value is at the heart of our train­ing both for new mis­sion­ar­ies and national leaders
Our expe­ri­ence around the world has taught us that in every cul­ture rela­tion­ship is the key. More impor­tantly, the whole mes­sage of the Gospel revolves around God’s rela­tion­ship to man and man’s rela­tion­ship to one another. More than a pass­ing acquain­tance, a com­mit­ted rela­tion­ship binds us to one another with the com­mon bond of Christ’s love. It is a life­time of laugh­ing together, cry­ing together, play­ing together, learn­ing together, and grow­ing together. At WIM, rela­tion­ship is the foun­da­tion for ministry."
As new WIM missionaries, our journey with WIM will start June with a 2 week trip to Haiti for some training. Then in August for one year, we will be going back to Kenya for an apprenticeship, further training, and exploring plans for long-term work. We will be working with different organizations that are doing similar things that we feel led to be doing and just learn learn learn from them and gain experience in the Kenya area for our year. Part of the vision God's given so far includes a clinic and a children's home. We will also be taking language classes to learn Swahilli!! To read more about how we found WIM and our plans, you can click HERE to read my post "Update on Direction- Accepted into WIM."

Click the image below visit WIM's website

United Hope International Organization

We are currently working with an organization in Kenya originally called YTO (Youth Transformation Organization) but recently they officially had their organization’s name changed to UHIO (United Hope International Organization) in honor of New Hope Baptist Church because of much needed support during Kenya’s drought. New Hope generously gave multiple donations to help buy water and food for the community, baby chickens to start a small chicken coop for income, and bunk beds, mattresses, and blankets for the orphanage. We continue to support them to provide food for the children and the widows in the community. The orphanage currently has 44 children. New Hope bought 14 beds; however, there are still about 30 children without that are sleeping on dirt floors. UHIO is currently serving the orphanage, a nursery school, widows, aids victims, and a tent church. The director and coordinator is Willis Ateino. UHIO is located outside of Kisumu, Kenya in Nyanza. While in Kenya this coming trip, Tim and I will be working along side of Willis for a few months. 

To learn about how you can sponsor a child or donate to UHIO, please click the "Sponsor" tab.

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